Cherilyn Bacon's Demo Reels

Three short scenes: 
1. Drama: Spurned fired employee in a showdown with her nefarious boss. 
2.  Comedy: Grandma learns 47 year old daughter is pregnant.
3. Sentimental:  Deceased husband pays an unexpected but promised visit to his wife and leaves a memento to prove it. 

What a delightful crew, and how wonderful to perform with my “daughter” look-alike as the all-grown-up now grandma at the end of the life cycle! This one makes me cry… 

Thank you Melaleuca (and to the kid’s mom that recorded this final take of my jump-roping) for this opportunity!  I have actually used your products, and well, look at me go!  I think I counted around 75 jumps while the floor director got my “grandkids” to cooperate all together in the same take!  Not bad for a for-reals grandma.  And the kiddos were awesome!!!  I guess I can credit the brand as well for all my real-life energy!